Shooting Blessings

The following excerpt is adapted from my first book, Filled Up, Poured Out: How God’s Spirit Can Revive Your Passion and Purpose: ------------ Driving down Main Street, several years ago with my little girl in the back seat, I glanced in the rearview mirror, and caught her aiming a finger gun at unsuspecting pedestrians. “Pow! Pow! Pow!” “Hannah, cut that out!” I scolded, “It’s not nice. We don’t shoot people; we bless them.” After riding in silence for a few minutes, she started up again—this time with two fingers, “Pow! Pow! Pow!” “Hannah, didn’t I tell you to stop shooting people?” “But Daddy,” she replied, “this time, I’m shooting blessings!” Shooting blessings requires a few essentials. Positive Energy Some folks run on positive juice, and others run on negative. We bring blessing with the positive. Encouraging Words Everyone’s imperfect, but we must look for the good rather than finding fault. Building up others is called edification, and this begins at hom...