Corporate Sponsor

I mentioned the shortfall in our general fund yesterday at church.

This year, we've taken a couple of faith steps -- and our offerings haven't caught up yet. They will!

I reminded the congregation that God always honors steps of faithful obedience. He's never failed us yet -- and He's not going to fail us now!

"In fact," I said, "God told me that He has already provided all the money we need. Unfortunately, it's still in your pockets!"

I just read this morning that some Christian Ministries are now securing Corporate Sponsors.

First -- Marathons and other Sporting Events
Second -- Stadiums and Arenas
Now -- Christian Music Festivals
What's Next? Local Churches??

Now, that's an idea!! Just what we need for our budget deficit. I wonder who we could get to sponsor us?

How about "Wal Mart Wesleyan Church?" I wonder if the Trustees would go for that?


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Uh Oh -- It just dawned on me.
    With the current climate of evangelical consumerism, someone might think I'm serious about this Wal Mart thing -- or worse, some pastor might actually do it. God forbid!

  2. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I can just see the headlines at FLAME now--Mark Wilson sells out-Walmart puts name on Hayward Wesleyan sign, pulpit and van.
    Wayne R.

  3. Anonymous10:13 PM

    and they both use GREETERS!


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