Livingstone's Secret
. . . I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Joshua 1:5)
Last year, after attending Evensong at London's Westminster Abby, I had the special privilege of paying my respects to the great missionary, David Livingstone. He is buried under a slab of marble in that massive cathedral.
Once, before a large audience, Livingstone asked, "Wouldn't you men and women like to know what has sustained me in Africa?"
Everyone was curious. They knew how he had sacrificed. They had heard about his many hardships, including the death of his precious wife, Mary. What was it that gave David Livingstone his inner strength?
Livingstone opened up a small, tattered New Testament and read the words of Jesus, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Mat. 28:20)
Then, the great missionary closed his Bible and said, "And THAT is what has sustained me!"
God promises to go with us through every situation in life. He will never forsake his children. He loves us and won't leave us when times get tough.
That's why Corrie Ten Boom said, "Don't wrestle, just nestle."
That's why John Wesley, on his deathbed could declare, "Best of all, the Lord is with us."
That's why Civilla Martin could pen, "His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me."
The hidden secret of inner strength is faith -- realizing that God is with us, and trusting Him to keep us.
If you're facing some big problems, don't be afraid! God has never failed anybody yet, and He won't start failing with you!
Going to London is quite a trip. I think that the FLAME ministry should take people to England to study where our faith comes from or at least give us a better idea of what our ancestors / forefathers faced. I have been to England a few times and I have seen Livingstone's plaque and Wesley's church and such. I Would love it if the FLAME courses were to offer something of the sort so that we could all see and understand where we as Wesleyan Methodists come from.