Tacos with Rick Warren
Over 15 years ago, I had the privilege of having lunch with Rick Warren. A couple of other guys and I met him at his office, and we walked to a little taco shop. I agreed to buy the tacos. They were 49 cents each -- and that was the best investment on a buck I've ever made!
I went to talk to him about how to grow a church -- instead, he turned it around and talked about growing disciples through small groups. He also enthusiastically promoted church planting -- the best way to reach new people is through new churches.
That conversation so long ago, still lives in me. I have seen the tremendous value of small groups in the spiritual formation of people -- and this year, like a time bomb, the "church planting" enthusiasm has exploded in my heart.
Now, once again I am inspired by his vision.
A warrior is measured by the size of his opponents.
Rick Warren is quite a warrior. He's attempting to take on some hefty opponents.
1. Spiritual Darkness
2. Lack of Servant Leaders Around the World
3. Poverty
4. Disease
5. Ignorance
He is also quite a visionary.
His answer to the global issues listed above -- the P.E.A.C.E. Plan.
1. Plant Churches
2. Equip Servant Leaders
3. Assist the Poor
4. Care for the Sick
5. Educate the Next Generation
Now, that's an inspiring objective!
Rick has his critics. of course -- and that's to be expected. It's the Law of the Whale:
When you rise to the surface and spout, you'll get harpooned.
It's a whole lot easier to criticize than to do something.
Blessings on you Rick! Go get 'em! And thanks for the taco lunch.
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