Vacation Bible School

Last night, we finished a splendid Vacation Bible School, under the fine direction of our Children's Pastor, Jeremy Mavis.
My job, as usual. was being the Offering Guy.
The V.B.S. offering is always a BIG contest between the boys and the girls. The winners taking home bragging rights for the whole year.
Each night, they rush forward, dropping their coins in buckets at the front of the church.
We measure it by weight -- so a penny is worth way more than a dollar.
Those kids dumped a LOT of pennies in the buckets this week! For a few days, there was a penny shortage in the Hayward banks, as frazzled parents lined up at the drive through windows, "I'd like ten dollars in pennies please!" Dairy Queen clerks were baffled when the kids handed over a five for an ice cream cone saying, "I'd like my change in pennies, please!"
The boys, in a miraculous comeback, won the contest -- thanks to Aaron, who literally depleted one bank's supply of pennies. Two big teenagers carried the mother-lode forward, to the triumphant whoopings of the boys, and dismayed sighings of the girls.
Next year, I predict the girls will win.
We're giving it all to Mercy Ships -- so they can help a few people have eye operations, and get their teeth fixed.
I wish the grown-ups in our church were as enthuiastic about the offering on Sunday mornings.
Right now, we're behind in our general church budget.
Maybe we should have a contest!
Mark, my wife and I loved to have offering contests for Vacation Bible School. There's just something about pitting the boys vs. the girls. We did this every year while we were in NY and we raise money for several different organizations including World Hope, Hephzibah Children's Home as well as for some missionary friends of ours. I love the enthusiasm of the kids giving offering, it is great!