Pray for Me

Will you pray for me as a minister of the gospel? I am not asking you to pray for the things people commonly pray for.

Pray for me in light of the pressures of our times. Pray that I will not just come to a wearied end–an exhausted, tired, old preacher, interested only in hunting a place to roost.

Pray that I will be willing to let my Christian experience and Christian standards cost me something right down to the last gasp!

-- A. W. Tozer (quote from Christian Research Network)


  1. Hey there Pastor.

    I will pray for you, pray those same things for me.

    There are far, far too many pastors and church "goers" that rest on their collective butts.

    Neither do I want to be counted as one of those many, one of those many indeed that will be spewed out in the end as lukewarm!


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