In Christ

A brief synopsis of last Sunday's sermon from Ephesians 1

There are many ways people relate to Christ:
A. Christ is An Enemy (but He's still reaching out to you)
B. Christ is A Stranger (go deeper!)
C. Christ is an Aquaintance (or Familiar Stranger) (Go deeper!)
D. Christ is a Helper (true -- but go deeper!)
E. Christ is a Friend (the best friend you'll ever have -- but go deeper!)
F. Christ is Savior (a glorious truth -- but you can still go deeper!!!)

Here's the deepest level -- and it is the secret to spiritual victory:


1) I am blessed in heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing (v. 3)

2) I was chosen before creation to be holy and blameless (v. 4)

3) Glorious grace has been feely given to me (v. 6)

4) I have redemption and forgiveness of sins (v. 7)

5) I have wisdom and understanding by' the riches of God's grace (v. 8)

6) I know the mystery of God's will and how to please Him (v. 9)

7) I am destined to fulfill God's plans (v. 12)

Summed Up:

In Christ. . . I am Blessed
In Christ. . . I am Chosen
In Christ . . . I am Redeemed and Forgiven
In Christ . . . I'm Destined for Glory

. . . AND YOU ALSO WERE INCLUDED!!!!! (v. 13)

It's for YOU! It's for YOU!

. . . YOU were marked with a Seal -- the Holy Spirit

. . . YOU have received the deposit for the GREAT inheritance!!

What does that mean?
A. Like a plant in toxic soil -- uprooted and transplanted into Good Soil.
B. Like swimming -- instead of wading around on the edges, jump off the high dive!


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    In Christ. . . I am Blessed
    In Christ. . . I am Chosen
    In Christ . . . I am Redeemed and Forgiven
    In Christ . . . I'm Destined for Glory

    . . . AND YOU ALSO WERE INCLUDED!!!!! (v. 13)

    It's for YOU! It's for YOU!

    Glad to see you included outreach. It is not all about me, it is about you.


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