Leave God to Order All Thy Ways

A beautiful poem by 17th Century follower of Jesus named George Neumark. A man acquainted with deep loss, he understood the power of peace and total trust:
Leave God to order all thy ways,
And hope in Him whate'er betide;
Thou'lt find Him in the evil days
Thy all-sufficient strength and guide:
Who trusts in God's unchanging love
Builds on the rock that nought can move.

Only thy restless heart keep still,
And wait in cheerful hope, content
To take whate'er His gracious will,
His all-discerning love, hath sent;
Nor doubt our inmost wants are known
To Him who chose us for His own.

Sing, pray, and swerve not from His ways,
But do thine own part faithfully;
Trust His rich promises of grace:
So shall they be fulfilled in thee:
God never yet forsook at need
The soul that trusted Him indeed.

An inspiring account about how a group of school children, trapped in an avalanche, were rescued through singing this hymn can be found here (in preface.)


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