Prayer Sunday Report

Last Sunday, we devoted the whole morning to prayer -- no sermon, no announcements, no praise band -- only prayer. Jesus said, "My house shall be called a house of prayer." So, this past week, that's exactly what we did.

The services flowed like a river -- one into another -- each one with it's own prayer focus. We set up several prayer stations in the sanctuary to engage the congregation in the prayer effort (rather than them being passive.)

Designated music leaders in each service prayed about what songs we should sing. . . and the congretation sang them as prayers. It was beautiful.

Hundreds of people actively participated. Many people received spiritual help. I've heard some beautiful reports of significant breakthroughs. I personally prayed with at least 20 people -- and the other pastors and prayer workers reported a similar morning of intercession.

Prayer stations included:
* Forgiveness (write grievance on rock with washable marker, then dip in water.)
* Communion
* Pray for the Nations
* Interweaving (Braiding yarn -- praying for loved ones and relationships)
* Letter to Jesus
* Leave and Pick Up Prayer Requests (written)
* Praise Ablaze Banner (with kids in mind -- draw or write praise to God)
* Prayer With Someone

Bruce, the Baptist pastor in town, came and joined us for the early service.

Not everybody was enthusiastic. Some found the prayer stations distracting. (Hard to focus when people are milling around the church) However, for the most part it was an amazing, powerful experience.

I'm glad we did it.


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