Christmas is for Giving

Santa asks, “What do you want for Christmas?” Little kids write letters with lists of things they want. Some of those cute letters made their way to the Sawyer County Record last week.
That’s a precious thing, and I certainly don’t want to detract from the wonder little children experience at Christmas.
But, at the essence, Christmas is not for getting – it’s for giving!
Tis the season of unselfishness.
Tis the season to share with those you love.
Tis the season to be compassionate for those less fortunate.
It’s not about spending money you don’t have on stuff they don’t need. This year, especially, with financial squeeze we’re all feeling – how about simplifying? How about being creative, spending a little less, and giving a little more of yourself? How about shopping locally, so you when you DO spend, it’s helping your neighbors put food on their tables?
How about giving something homemade? How about giving your time?
How about remembering those who are in need? Did you know that Americans spent $450 billion on Christmas spent year and that we could provide safe, clean drinking water for every person in the world for $10 billion? What if this Christmas, we were less consumeristic and more compassionate? Consider joining the “Advent Conspiracy” (
How about your neighbors who are suffering? As I was writing this article a desperate mother called me for help. They have no money. Her little girl has no winter boots, and a snow storm is approaching. There are many little children, right here in our own community, who go to bed hungry and don’t have adequate winter clothing. What can you do to help them?
How about putting something in the kettle, when you pass the Salvation Army bell ringer? Better yet, how about signing up for a stint of bell ringing? How about getting a few friends together and caroling at the home of someone who is sick?
Who knows? In the end, you might just say, “It was my best Christmas ever!”
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