Treasure Hunt

Here's a little challenge for you today.

Start with a prayer like this, "God, I know your love is amazing and beyond compare.  I also know that you treasure the people you have created -- but many do not realize how deeply they're loved.  Lead me to someone today who needs your encouragement and blessing.  Use me as channel of your grace to show them how much you treasure them."

Then -- clear you mind of clutter and wait for clues and/or nudges.

The Lord might give you a clue up front for your treasure hunt -- a specific place, a unique hint, something special to look for - follow the clue!

During the day, He may nudge your -- "Stop in at this store" -- or "Take this route home instead of your normal routine."  If you receive a nudge like that, then follow it!  God has something special in store.

"Lord, make me a blessing" is a prayer He almost always answers with "Yes!"


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