Small Minds vs Large Minds

There’s a huge difference between being large-minded and small-minded, and it doesn’t have anything to do with the size of one’s brain.  In fact, Albert Einstein’s brain, when measured after his death, was remarkably unremarkable.  It isn’t the size of your brain, but the size of your perspective and imagination that counts!

Minds, like muscles, need stretching and exercise.  Without such mental workouts, we become flabby and lazy thinkers.  You’ll shrivel to small-mindedness if you fail to stretch that grey matter between your ears.

Closed minds are often accompanied by open mouths.  Small-minded perspectives are usually the ones that are shouted loudest – especially on radio and tv talk shows.  This reminds me of an old proverb:  “He that thinketh by the inch and talketh by the mile, ought to be kickethed by the foot!”

Small mindedness is marked by negativity and cynicism.  Unfortunately, some highly intelligent people wear it like a badge.  It is possible to be a small-minded genius.

Sometimes, we’re plagued by small mindedness without realizing it.  Here’s how to tell the difference:

 1)       Small minds gossip.  Large minds encourage.
 2)       Small minds complain.  Large minds praise.
 3)       Small minds find fault.  Large minds find the good.
 4)       Small minds focus on problems.  Large minds seek solutions.
 5)       Small minds are selfish.  Large minds are generous.
 6)       Small minds go through difficulty.  Large minds grow through difficulty.
 7)       Small minds belittle.  Large minds build up.
 8)       Small minds say “we can’t.”  Large minds say, “Let’s give it a shot.”
 9)       Small minds see only what has been.  Large minds conceive what may be.
10)   Small minds find bitterness in the sweetness.  Large minds find sweetness in the bitterness.
11)   Small minds give up after a setback.  Large minds bounce back.
12)   Small minds make fear based decisions.  Large minds decide by faith and wisdom.
13)   Small minds struggle to control, Large minds release and bless.
14)   Small minds think in black and white.  Large minds think in full color.
15)   Small minds criticize.  Large minds criticize by doing.
16)   Small minds worry.  Large minds pray
17)   Small minds pout.  Large minds shrug it off.
18)   Small minds are self-absorbed.  Large minds forget themselves.
19)   Small minds see only one method.  Large minds see many ways.
20)   Small minds resent.  Large minds respect.
21)   Small minds are stubborn.  Large minds are flexible.
22)   Small minds ask “why?”  Large minds ask “why not?”
23)   Small minds only accept people who think like them.  Large minds accept differences.
24)   Small minds gripe.  Large minds are grateful.
25)   Small minds tell God how big their problem is.  Large minds tell their problem how big God is.


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