Nobody Wants to be a Project

Two determined women with Watchtower magazines showed up at our doorstep one day. “Hello, we are in your neighborhood discussing the Bible . . . and with all the horrible things going on the world right now . . .”

“I’m sorry, but we’re not interested,” I interrupted and quickly shut the door. They shook the dust from their feet and moved on to Ray’s place, across the street.

A half hour later, there was another knock. This time, I was met with two friends from our church bearing cookies.

“Come in!” I greeted them warmly, “I’m so glad you came.”

Later, I pondered the events of the day. Why did I shut the door on the first pair and welcome the second? Here’s the primary difference: To my first visitors, I was a project; and to the second pair, I was a friend. (Also, I might add, the cookies helped. Door-to-door evangelists would get a much warmer reception if they brought dessert.)

An excerpt from my new book  Purple Fish: A Heart for Sharing Jesus  (Available July 2014).


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