The Prayer Labyrinth
Last Friday, I travelled to the Servite Convent in Ladysmith, Wisconsin, to walk their prayer labyrinth. I had heard about prayer labyrinths before, but never had the opportunity to walk one. Thus, I decided, after discovering one just an hour from my home, to visit it. Driving there, I eagerly anticipated my prayer journey. The clangings and clutters of life had been too loud lately. I needed to still my soul in quietness. The labyrinth was not nearly as impressive as I had imagined -- from a distance I could barely discern the boundaries -- and it looked more like an unkempt backyard than a sacred shrine for prayer and meditation. Nevertheless, I entered the labyrinth expectantly -- silencing my heart and waiting to hear the voice of God. I heard something different. Suddenly, unexpectedly, my contemplative state was interrupted by a hideous intrusion. "VROOM! VROOM! THWAT, THWAT, THWAT, THWAT!" Some young punk picked that particular minute to do weed whacking at the conve...