Then Sings My Soul

I am delighted to recommend Robert J. Morgan's beautiful new book, Then Sings My Soul, Book 3.

Like the first two volumes, Morgan shares the meaningful stories behind many of our beloved hymns.  A copy of the music accompanies each story.

Diving into this book, I felt like a kid in the candy store, as I read the hymn stories and then sang them at the piano!

Four things that make this volume particularly special:

1)  Morgan gives a good overview of the different genres of church music:  Ancient Hymn, German Hymns, English Hymns, Gospel Songs, Contemporary.  He also draws fresh water from each of those wells.  I think a church would benefit greatly by exploring all these rich traditions.

2)  I appreciate the inclusion of modern day hymns (i.e. "How Deep the Father's Love for Us"")   This is something I have not seen in other books of this nature.

3)  Morgan makes a powerful case for interwoven worship -- including both new and old in our church music selections.  I agree 100%.  We have not done the rising generation a favor by limiting our music to songs written within the last two years.  New songs are great, but not to the neglect of the cherished songs from our rich Christian heritage.  The collection of songs from church history is a great treasure. Every generation adds a few to the collection.  Assuming the music from our own generation is the only kind worth singing is pure foolishness.

4)  The best chapter in the book is "Hymns as Therapy: Why We Must Draw Strength from Song."  Hymns certainly are therepeutic!  I have personally experienced the healing power of singing hymns in private.  That's why I have an old hymnal collection.  It's my spiritual medicine chest!

Purchase Here

(A complimentary copy of this book was provided to me by the publisher for review on this blog.)


  1. naomi9:02 AM

    You know I'm going to agree with you on this!
    Really appreciated "All Creatures of Our God and King" on Sunday--this is one I hadn't heard for a long time. Beautiful, powerful (yet gentle) message; beautiful tune.

    :) I seem to be the only one who comments on this site anymore--is everyone else on Facebook??? (I abandoned it.)

  2. I'm so delighted to see that we are reviewing the same book. I am only half way through, so will not read your review yet. But, I just thought it was special that we chose the same book. :-)


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