Shepherds and Wise Men Both Made it to Bethlehem
Some people come to Jesus like the shepherds. Out in the fields, minding their own business -- and kablammo! Something big happens! Angels show up! a huge angel choir! Glory to God in the highest! Life change in a moment. The shepherds drop everything and run to Bethlehem, where they find teh Christ-child lying in a manger. They rejoice, celebrate and end up broadcasting the good news everywhere they go. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Others come to Jesus like the wise men. They see a distant star in the east and are puzzled by its appearing. "What does this mean?", they wonder. After a long pondering, they begin a long, winding journey of faith. It takes them quite a while to figure things out -- with plenty of detours along the way. But, eventually, they, too, end up in Bethlehem. Departing, they did not cause a big scene like the shepherds --but had the experience of inner transformation as well (though of the "still ...