As We Welcome 2019
Here we stand at the threshold of the New Year. 2018 will soon be passed and packed away, living only in the attic of memories. Looking ahead to 2019, I can guarantee one thing: a lot of living will go into it. How will it turn out? Only God knows. This chapter may be drama. Perhaps it will be romance. Action adventure. Comedy. Tragedy. Mystery. Next December, upon reflection, you will be able to describe the events of 2019 – but not now. The best you can do is throw your shoulders back, trust God, and march right in. You see, although you don’t know anything about the upcoming months, God does – and He will be with you as you travel from mountain top to valley. Nobody knows what tomorrow holds, but we do know WHO holds tomorrow. Despite our moments of anxiety, discouragement, lonliness, or sorrow, God has promised never to leave us or forsake us. An anonymous writer captured this idea with these inspiring words: I said to the man who stood at t...