How to Find a Better Life
Dr. Maxwell Maltz, an acclaimed plastic surgeon once wrote a best selling book, New Faces, New Futures, describing the tremendous changes in individuals' lives after having plastic surgery. He told many stories about "ugly ducklings" who were given a new life by receiving a new face. Unfortunately, after the publication, Dr. Maltz discovered he had made some serious errors. A careful study of all his patients revealed that people were generally no more happy with life after a plastic surgery than before. He found that a face lift did not automatically bring a better life. So, Dr. Maxwell Maltz quite the plastic surgery business and devoted the rest of his life to helping people find inner beauty. He discovered that true happiness comes from the inside. It isn't obtained with a new face. This is not a new concept. The Bible has lots to say about inner joy and peace. Building a better life is an inside job. Many peopl...