The Mega-Watt Church

The Megachurch has received a lot of attention in recent years -- and that's not bad. Huge, growing congregations such as Willow Creek, Saddleback, Fellowship Church and Mars Hill serve as an inspiration to the rest of us.

However, Willow Creek has more attendees on a weekend than the entire population of Sawyer County. Sometimes, it's difficult to translate what's happening in the larger context into rural/small town communities.

Considering where we live, Hayward Wesleyan is a large and thriving congregation (percentage-wise, we're much bigger than Willow Creek!)-- but, demographically, it is difficut to imagine ever becoming a "mega-church" (Megachurches are defined as having more than 2000 in worship attendance.)

I'm not really interested in developing a "megachurch" but I am absolutely dedicated to developing a Mega-Watt Church!

"Mega-Wattage" is not determined by the size of congregation or community. (In fact, some megachurches are "mega-dead" and there are plenty of comatose congregations in huge urban areas. On the other hand, in countless smaller communities around the world, you will find vibrant congregations.)

It's not about WHERE you are, but WHO you are (in Christ) that counts!!

A "Mega-Watt Church" depends on "Mega-Watt Power" from on high.

"But you shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

A "Mega-Watt Church" is:

* A Holy Spirit powered church
* A prayed-up church
* A Christ centered church
* A love-permeated church
* A joyful church
* A "what if" thinking church
* A faith and possibility oriented church
* An outreach focused church
* A "touch the world" church
* A celebrative church.

I thank God for the megachurches -- but it is not God's desire for every church to become one. It is His desire, however, that every community of believers that bears his name be a Mega-Watt Church!

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." Matt. 5:14

Simply put, an ordinary church becomes a "Mega-Watt Church" when God shows up.


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    9/23/04 11:20 A.M.
    I'm a small town guy and have been part of large and small churches -- all in small towns or rural communities.
    A church is "small" only if it is a group with "little faith" and "narrow vision".
    Any group vitally connected to The Lord of The Church is in line to be a "mega-watt" Church. Never pray for your "little church"!!!!



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