Dr. Quack
Martin Wells Knapp, in The Double Cure, writes about the quack spiritual physician -- Dr. Imputation!
"He teaches that none can be pure; that the purity of Jesus is imputed to the believer and covers him like a white robe might be thrown over a man that was covered with putrifying sores, or as the pure snow may cover a foul yard."
Dr. Imputation is stuck in diagnosis, without delivering the medicine.
Christ's righteousness is both Imputed and Imparted.
Give us both the diagnosis and the medicine!
Let us have both the statement and the reality.
Imputation is speaking it.
Impartation is doing it.
A mother says to her little son, "I'm going to give you a bath and make you clean." And she's good to her word! She moves beyond "declaring" to "doing"!
Christ is our righteousness. He doesn't just wink and "call us righteous" -- but rather, he rolls up his sleeves and really changes our hearts!
As in the Genesis 1 creation, God speaks -- and it is so.
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