Church Growth Barriers

I'm still learning to lead.

I find that as our church has grown, I've been challenged to grow personally, as well.

There have been four major "leadership transitions" during our church's growth, which required me to think and stretch to a new level.

1. When we transitioned past 100.

The central issues here were survival, outreach, and programming. I had to start a lot of activities. Key question: What are we going to do?

2. When we transitioned past 200.

The central issues here were adding a second staff member,multiple services, small groups and facilities. Key question: How do we multiply ministry opportunities?

3. When we transitioned past 400.

The central issues here were multiple staff, developing a "large church" mindset, and leadership development. Key question: How do we multiply leaders?

4. Now we are transitioning past 600 -- and I'm trying to identify the central issues. I believe they have something to do with focus, ministry alignment, my own personal growth as a leader, infrastructure, systems, and developing leaders of leader. Key question: How do we narrow our focus but broaden our influence?


  1. Incredibly interesting...don't know you, but came across your blog via Coach Drury's site. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Interesting that you use the word focus. I just listened to Andy Stanley speak on this topic at...

    It goes along with a book entitled: 7 Practices of Effective Ministry


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