
Monday morning -- Pastor's Day Off -- or, as Arch Hart calls it, Adrenaline Letdown Day.

A busy schedule combined with a bad chest cold leaves me drained and tired.

Digging around in my office today, I found notes from a talk I gave on fatigue two or three years ago.

When You're Weary

1. Problems seem bigger.
2. Irritations are more annoying.
3. Blessings are less inspiring.

Sometimes, the most spiritual thing you can do is go home and take a nap!

* Every obligation shirked is a source of guilt.
* Guilt consumes energy
* It takes more energy to avoid something than to go ahead and face it.
* Fatigue opens us up to spiritual attack.

Key Question: Is it possible to do all the things I'm trying to do in the time I have?

The art of getting things done is the noble art of leving things undone.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    what were you doing in your office on your day off?


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