Small Town Business

Tony Engle, a student in my Church Leadership Class (FLAME), shared a good small town story with me yesterday:

As I was recently traveling home from South Carolina, a headlight went out on my truck. It was about 7:30 at night and it was dark. This is not a good idea for traveling through the mountains and around tight turns in the deep woods. I pulled into a small town auto store that was in the middle of nowhere. The store closed a half hour ago. There was a man inside actually leaving with the bank bag in hand as I ran to the door. I explained my situation and he sold me a headlight. The main point is this… As I apologized for messing the books up and for keeping him there even later than he wanted he said, “I need the sale anyway.” I replied, “business that bad?” “Nope. This is how a small town business operates.”
I think that the church needs to pay attention and learn from the small business owners of this country. They genuinely care to help.


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