The Wrong Side of the Bed
"What's the matter with you?"
"I just got up on the wrong side of the bed this monrning."
"Oh, that's too bad. And now you're stuck in a foul mood for the entire day? How unfortunate!"
"Yeah, I'm in a grumpy mood, so stay outta my way."
"Say, I have an idea."
"Go home, walk into your bedroom., change into your jammies and climb back into bed. Pull the covers over your head and say a prayer like this, 'God, I don't want to be a grouch. Put a song in my heart and help me to be thankful for all my blessings.'
"Then, think of ten things you're thankful for -- and once you've done that, climb out on the other side of the bed!"
"Now, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! Do you think it will work?"
"It's certainly worth a try -- and it beats sitting around here grousing all day."
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