Jabez Works Differently In Africa
Despite the Prayer of Jabez, Bruce Wilkinson's territory didn't enlarge -- it shrank.
His last grand project in Africa ended in dismal failure -- at least that's the way it looks from a merely human perspective.
God's ways are not our ways, however. Beyond the surface, his territory continues to expand -- but in a different way.
The territory of Wilkinson's wisdom has definitely expanded. You gain wisdom from painful and difficult experiences. Solomon, remember, asked for wisdom, and God was pleased, as it was the best thing he could have requested.
Although I do not know him, I'm guessing that his compassion has expanded. You can't see such human need close up, and not have your heart grow larger.
Wilkinson's patience has expanded. Working with African beaurocracy is enough to develop anybody's patience! Longsuffering is a muscle, which strengthens with much use. "Tribulation worketh patience. . ."
Certainly, Wilkinson's humility has expanded. Our failures and frustrations keep us humble so we can F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely on God)
I'm sure there are many other dimensions of spiritual expansion that are beyond the surface of human eyes.
Instead of harpooning him, as some are doing, maybe we should make sure his prayer support is expanding.
I have a hunch, after the storm blows over, there'll be another book coming from Brother Bruce.
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