The Courthouse Gathering

I am struggling with a decision this morning. Do I attend the 8:30 a.m. gathering in front of the courthouse?

Today is the sentencing hearing for Craig Sturdavant, a teenager who brutally murdered Mel and Delores Sipe, the two oldest members of our congregation four years ago. The justice system has moved along at a snail's pace -- but today, finally, we can put closure on this chapter.

Friends and family of the Sipe's have called for a gathering before the hearing -- and thus, I'm in the valley of decision.

Mel and Delores were dear friends and I want to support the family, but I am not angry, nor do I seek vengeance. An emotionally charged crowd, gathering in front of the courthouse, has the potential to erupt into something ugly.

Maybe I should go to be a peace maker.


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