The Good Shepherd

At the Ministerial Association Meeting yesterday,my friend, Dr. Tim Warner, shared a very good devotional:

Seven Qualities of the Good Shepherd.

SACRIFICES life to give life to the sheep.
HELPS sheep to be healthy and thrive.
ENCOURAGES sheep to their full potential.
PROTECTS sheep from fearsome wolves.
HEARTILY relates to sheep & Shepherd
ENLARGES vision for the sheep to grow.
RESOLVES to do the Father's will.
DWELLS together in unity!


  1. Good things to think about...the only one that confuses me is the 2nd H:

    HEARTILY relates to sheep & Shepherd

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Yeah -- that one was a bit confusing to me too. He had a double meaning -- Jesus as the shepherd -- and then, the pastor as a shepherd as well. Heartily relates to sheep & Shepherd is on the "pastor" side of it -- as Jesus IS the shepherd, so it would be weird to say He's heartily relating to himself!


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