Wake Up Everybody!

Two Sundays ago, during the pastoral prayer, a little kid yelled out, "Wake Up Everybody!! Wake Up!!"

Sometimes, I want to yell that at church too!

"Wake up, thou sleeper! And strengthen the things that remain!"

But, if it seems like they're dozing, maybe there's a reason. A recent poll by USA Today shows that Americans are sleep deprived.

I thank God for good sleep -- seven or eight hours each night, but I wonder, if these stats accurately portray the members of my congregation.

If so, maybe it's not such a bad thing if they nod off a little during my sermon.

I used to feel guilty about falling asleep while I was praying, but then I remembered the words of Jesus, "Come unto to me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Just For Fun: The pastor noticed a man get up and walk out right in the middle of his sermon. After the service, he approached the fellow's wife.

"I didn't offend your husband with something I said?" He inquired.

"No," she replied, "He sleepwalks all the time!"


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