What an Opportunity

Jamie posted this thought provoking photo at emergent voyageur. Sort of puts things in perspective.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    This is an opportunity for christians to share their faith. Doors that may not be open otherwise, are being openned now because alot of people are talking about this book and movie. It is time for christians to step up and be bold.

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Mark, Thanks for the shout out. Sorry I didn't find it until now.

    Henry, I agree it can be an opportunity. However, we need to be more aware of how the church is being lead by the nose to whereever these market driven campaigns desire. Millions of people are waiting to see the love of Christ demonstrated while we spending millions of "Da Vinci Code" resources that, for the most part, have only impacted other Christians.



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