William O. Cushing

On Sunday, I'll be preaching on God's 9-1-1: Psalm 91:1

My researched today led me to the beautiful old hymn "Under His Wings". I discovered that the author, William O. Cushing, wrote several other beautiful songs, including "Hiding in Thee", "Jewels", "Follow On" and the rip-roarin', "There'll Be No Dark Valley".

Cushing was experiencing tremendous success as a pastor (in the Christian Church), until he was hammered by unexpected, heart-wrenching trials.

First, his beloved wife passed away in her mid 40's. Shortly after that, a painful paralysis disabled him, forcing him to resign from the ministry.

His identity was wrapped up in being a pastor -- now, in these dark and difficult days, what was he to do?

He wrote hymns!! Over 300 of them -- some of them classics which are in the hymnals today.

At the end of his life, he was penniless and homeless, though rich in hope. A kind Wesleyan Methodist pastor and wife, Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Curtis, took him into their home at Lisbon Center, New York. While living in the parsonage with them, he joined up with the Wesleyans!


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