Eye Witness

A lot of people think they have to be "experts" in the Bible to share Jesus with others. That's not necessarily the case.

In a court of law, there are two kinds of witnesses:

1) Expert Witnesses and
2) Eye Witnesses

The Expert Witness has to know more than the average person in a particular area -- Medical examiners, forensics technicians, and legal authorities are often called for this type of testimony.

Eye Witnesses, on the other hand, don't have to be an authority at all. They just tell. . .
the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth

about what they've personally seen or experienced.

Maybe you're not an "expert" witnesses for Jesus -- but how about being an "Eye Witnesses?" You can certainly do that!

Speaking of an Eye Witness -- Here's a funny phone conversation of a guy who witnessed an accident.

He'll never forget the experience!


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