Harry Wood Interview
"If You're not overwhelmed, you not in deep enough!"
Gary Jarret, a student in my Church Leadership Class, interviewed Dr. Harry Wood , Wesleyan Superintendent from the Penn-Jersey District, for his post-course assignment.
Dr. Wood's insights are noteworthy, and so, I am passing them along to you.
How long have you been in leadership?
I was a local pastor for 16 years ( 6 years solo and 10 years as senior pastor). I was then District Superintendent for the Penn-Jersey District for 9 ½ years, followed being elected to General Superintendent . I then was an evangelist for 1 year, District Superintendent for the Chesapeake District for 2 ½ Years and finally back at Penn-Jersey for the last 6 years.
Was there someone who was an inspiration to you?
Yes, I can think of 5 important ones.
1) The pastor who led me to the Lord at age 12, him and I used to evangelize house to house. He also was a father figure to me because my father died when I was 5.
2) My 1st District Superintendent when I was a young pastor helped form my leadership qualities.
3) Dr. Wilson was one of my professors who had a great impact on my life.
4) Dr. H. C.Wilson who was one of my contemporaries.
5) Dr. Robert Schuller helped me to realize the need to keep the clarity of mission.
Did leadership come easy or did you have to work at it?
I was not a natural leader nor did I have the background. I maximized every opportunity that became available to me.
What did you do to improve your abilities?
I always found someone who was beyond me to get to know and spend time. I read books and attended seminars on leadership. I gravitated toward leaders who were motivated by God.
Did you ever have to change your style of leadership depending on your position?
Different people require different type of leaders. I am constantly changing in fact I lead the Penn-Jersey District differently now than I did 10 years ago.
Did you ever try something that didn’t work?
Yes, you have to be willing to take a risk and don’t fear failure. You can learn from your mistakes, don’t dwell on the past always move on. If you can’t talk about your failures then your not after success but security. When your are seeking security you won’t take risks but without risks there can’t be success.
What do you think was the most important lesson you’ve learned?
The only life worth living is one that is 100% devoted.
How do you gain support for an idea?
I share the vision with the core group, then it flows to the leaders, then from the leaders to the followers and then to the community.
What do you look for when searching for a leader?
1) character
2) devotion - commitment
3) motivation
4) track record
5) philosophy
6) willingness to learn
How do you overcome opposition?
You don’t always. I use 2nd Timothy 2:24-26 as my basis for this. “The servant of the Lord must strive but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient. In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” You must always work from soul winning venture.
1) try to enlighten in a positive way to catch the vision- if they don’t understand, try to communicate and teach.
2) if they still won’t support you then tolerate them.
3) if they obstinately interfere then they must be excluded.
Unfortunately opposition is not always overcome.How do you stay sharp?I keep myself challenged, constantly growing.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed?
Yes, if I don’t feel overwhelmed then I’m not deep enough. When I’m in over my head then I have to depend on Christ and not myself. It’s again a question of security or success.
Is there any other advice you would like to share?
Yes, I like to share a story.
My daughter once dated a football player who was an exceptional athlete. In his junior year he played outstanding football and most certainly could receive a college scholarship.
Then in his senior year he flatlined, no one could understand why he didn’t continue to improve.
My daughter ask him what had happened. He said he had gotten so caught up in all the attention he had forgotten to play football.
Its not in being a leader its in the LEADING, it's not in the status it's in DOING the TASK.
Don’t forget to lead.
Also remember the journey is greater than the destination, its about what God does in you along the way.
Gary Jarret, a student in my Church Leadership Class, interviewed Dr. Harry Wood , Wesleyan Superintendent from the Penn-Jersey District, for his post-course assignment.
Dr. Wood's insights are noteworthy, and so, I am passing them along to you.
How long have you been in leadership?
I was a local pastor for 16 years ( 6 years solo and 10 years as senior pastor). I was then District Superintendent for the Penn-Jersey District for 9 ½ years, followed being elected to General Superintendent . I then was an evangelist for 1 year, District Superintendent for the Chesapeake District for 2 ½ Years and finally back at Penn-Jersey for the last 6 years.
Was there someone who was an inspiration to you?
Yes, I can think of 5 important ones.
1) The pastor who led me to the Lord at age 12, him and I used to evangelize house to house. He also was a father figure to me because my father died when I was 5.
2) My 1st District Superintendent when I was a young pastor helped form my leadership qualities.
3) Dr. Wilson was one of my professors who had a great impact on my life.
4) Dr. H. C.Wilson who was one of my contemporaries.
5) Dr. Robert Schuller helped me to realize the need to keep the clarity of mission.
Did leadership come easy or did you have to work at it?
I was not a natural leader nor did I have the background. I maximized every opportunity that became available to me.
What did you do to improve your abilities?
I always found someone who was beyond me to get to know and spend time. I read books and attended seminars on leadership. I gravitated toward leaders who were motivated by God.
Did you ever have to change your style of leadership depending on your position?
Different people require different type of leaders. I am constantly changing in fact I lead the Penn-Jersey District differently now than I did 10 years ago.
Did you ever try something that didn’t work?
Yes, you have to be willing to take a risk and don’t fear failure. You can learn from your mistakes, don’t dwell on the past always move on. If you can’t talk about your failures then your not after success but security. When your are seeking security you won’t take risks but without risks there can’t be success.
What do you think was the most important lesson you’ve learned?
The only life worth living is one that is 100% devoted.
How do you gain support for an idea?
I share the vision with the core group, then it flows to the leaders, then from the leaders to the followers and then to the community.
What do you look for when searching for a leader?
1) character
2) devotion - commitment
3) motivation
4) track record
5) philosophy
6) willingness to learn
How do you overcome opposition?
You don’t always. I use 2nd Timothy 2:24-26 as my basis for this. “The servant of the Lord must strive but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient. In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” You must always work from soul winning venture.
1) try to enlighten in a positive way to catch the vision- if they don’t understand, try to communicate and teach.
2) if they still won’t support you then tolerate them.
3) if they obstinately interfere then they must be excluded.
Unfortunately opposition is not always overcome.How do you stay sharp?I keep myself challenged, constantly growing.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed?
Yes, if I don’t feel overwhelmed then I’m not deep enough. When I’m in over my head then I have to depend on Christ and not myself. It’s again a question of security or success.
Is there any other advice you would like to share?
Yes, I like to share a story.
My daughter once dated a football player who was an exceptional athlete. In his junior year he played outstanding football and most certainly could receive a college scholarship.
Then in his senior year he flatlined, no one could understand why he didn’t continue to improve.
My daughter ask him what had happened. He said he had gotten so caught up in all the attention he had forgotten to play football.
Its not in being a leader its in the LEADING, it's not in the status it's in DOING the TASK.
Don’t forget to lead.
Also remember the journey is greater than the destination, its about what God does in you along the way.
Mark, Thanks for posting this interview with Harry. I enjoyed reading it.
ReplyDeleteWayne R