A Conversation with Pete and Frankie

On the way home from my lunch with the bishop yesterday, I followed an impression to go to the Duluth Public Library.

"But I don't have any quarters for parking."
Go Anyway.

"But I don't have my library card with me."
Go Anyway.

So, I went -- and ended up bringing home a couple of good books from the "free cart."

1) Managing for Results by Peter Drucker
2) Watchers at the Pond by Franklin Russell.

This morning, after reading my chapters in Isaiah, Pete and Frankie and I sat down together for a conversation. They both had something to say to me.

Pete said, "Results are obtained by exploiting opportunities NOT by solving problems."

"It is always futile to restore normality; 'normality' is only a reality of yeterday."

He also reminded me that "energy always tends toward diffusion -- from leadership, to mediocrity, to marginal." (Or -- as a preacher, here's how I would say it:
Manificent to Mediocre to Marginal.)

Frankie's book was quite different. He described in detail the happenings of a country pond: the insects, the plants, the animals and amphibians.

One observation about hibernating frogs applies to church, I think:

"In the shallows, the water was frozen to the mud, and the ice had gripped some sleeping frogs. They might survive if the ice did not reach their hearts."


  1. hey mark did you get my email re. camp? just curious! :)


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