Just Wondering

I'm just wondering why the Wesleyans don't merge together with the Nazarenes and/or the Free Methodists -- then throw out the welcome mat to the disenfranchised Methodists, and other confessional (fired-up-for Jesus) mainliners.

We have so much in common, and our differences are miniscule.

Together, we could accomplish much more than we're doing separately.

I think, perhaps, the biggest thing that keeps us from seriously pursuing such progressive action is fear.

Fear of not having control.
Fear of how to handle someone who sees things just a bit differently.
Fear of what to do with all the unemployed denominational and district executives.
Fear that we might lose a college or two.
Fear that our "competitor" will be our family.
Fear of losing influence.

So, we remain on our small, isolated islands, and replicate each other's work.

The sands are shifting, but sadly, our heads remain there.


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