20 Most Influential Wesleyans

Here's my list of the 20 Most Influential People in the History of the Wesleyan Church:

1. John Wesley
2. John Fletcher
3. Francis Asbury
4. Barbara Heck
5. Phoebe Palmer
6. Orange Scott
7. Luther Lee
8. Adam Crooks
9. Seth Rees
10. Martin Wells Knapp
11. Eber Teter
12. Roy S. Nicholson
13. Orval Butcher
14. Earle Wilson
15. John Maxwell
16. Steve Babby
17. Keith Drury
18. Jo Anne Lyon
19. Phil Stevenson
20. Andy Wilson -- o.k. I admit it -- he was my daddy, and just a country preacher who stayed at the same church for 30 years. He wasn't too famous beyond Marengo, Ohio -- but he made a significant impact on his community -- and he certainly influenced me! (After all, this is my list!)


  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    I recognized Andy Wilson, but is the Earle Wilson a long lost ancestor?

    Andy had an enormous impact on me also. I have been married to one of his other sons for almost 40 years.

  2. Anonymous5:54 AM

    I know he wouldn't agree but I believe I would add Pastor Mark Wilson to that list. He is setting a great example for all of us.

  3. I LOVE that you included your dad.

    When I think of my spiritual heros, Isaiah Butcher is ALWAYS on the list - - - and he was my grandpa, and the uncle to Orville.

    Thank the Lord for spiritual heros in our family tree!!!!!

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    ok somewhere in there you need to put in Phil Bence and Bud Bence. They are two very influential brothers on a lot of our ministry students from the past, present, and future!


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