Brethren, Hang Loose

A couple of weeks ago, I had a delightful phone conversation with Bob Girard, author of Brethren, Hang Loose, or "how to do church in a 1972 Jesus people hippy style."

(I dusted it off and read it again last week. Although somewhat dated, in many ways he was before his time. He sure sounds a lot like Barna, the folks at the Ooze, and the cell church groupies.)

Years ago, he was the pastor of Hayward Wesleyan Church -- and that is where he received his "minister's education!" (The REAL education which begins AFTER graduation from seminary!)

I was amused by the following incident he relays in the book:

"One church I pastored was known for feuding among its members. One of its charter members told me one day, 'I've never liked any pastor we've ever had, and you're no exception!' And she meant it!" (p. 21)


  1. When my dad came to pastor at Hayward, it was Bob Girard that he followed.

    Just a tiny piece of Hayward Wesleyan trivia.

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    So, Keetha, did the charter member like your dad?

  3. Anonymous3:53 PM

    A more important question -

    Did the pastor like the charter member?

  4. Ha! You're right Linda -- and I can already give you the answer for that. I know Keetha's daddy. He loves everybody.

  5. Here's my response to the Charter Member questions - - - - I don't even know to whom Pastor Bob would have been referring. My dad never once complained - - - nor let on to us in any way whatsoever - - - - if there was any member, charter or otherwise, at Hayward or in any of our other churches, making his pastoring job difficult.

    My dad is a walking, breathing definition of humble.

    And I can still say that after living under his roof for 18 straight years of my life.

  6. Anonymous9:31 AM


    I would love to meet your Dad. He sounds like a wonderful pastor. Is he presently looking for a church? Many churches need pastors like him.

  7. LOL Linda!!! Thank you for asking - - - but he is entirely retired now.

    Well - - - I say retired, but he still teaches a SS class, visits the sick and elderly, takes care of my mom and my Aunt - - - both who need extensive care - - - gardens, bakes bread, cleans house, does laundry, and a plethora of other things in his "spare" retired time.


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