Pastor Bozo Bop Bag

I felt like Pastor Bozo Bop Bag at our board meeting last night.

Took a few hits, and kept coming back up grinning.
At least I can say they're passionate bunch and not a school of dead fish rubber stampers.


  1. Hmmmm - - - a while back you posted about taking what felt like unjustified criticism, and I replied it was for me as I had just taken some - - - - well, THAT was in a board meeting too. Sometimes - - - -

    (And I'm not even the pastor, but I still was targeted)

  2. I walked into my sister and brother in-law's house today and guess what they got for their little ones? This exact Bozo! I chuckled as I remembered reading/seeing it on your blog. I then thought....maybe I should get one for my daughter who has been having temper tantrums....maybe, just maybe it would give her an outlet....and if not her.....ME!!!


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