A Prayer By Anselm

O Lord, grant us grace to desire You with our whole heart;
that so desiring, we may seek and find You;
and so finding You, may love You;
and loving You, may hate those sins
from which You have redeemed us.

-- Anselm (1033-1109 AD)


  1. so... my beloved new york jets absolutely DESTROYED your beloved packers today... and for that, i am deeply sorry.


  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    We felt sorry for the Jets, and decided to let them win.

  3. And O Lord, grant us grace to bear with those who rub it in when their beloved Jets destroy our precious Packers. :)

  4. Hello, Pastor Mark. This is my first blog analysis for Evagelism/Church Health. This is an incredibly busy time of the year for me at the church - 6 rehearsals and 4 services a week with all the regular responsibilities of Assistant Pastorship/Music. Oh well, we'll make it!
    Wow, what an incredible prayer of holiness! I mean this is a model prayer for every Wesleyan/Armenian to pray. Talk about a God-chaser! Yes, we must have God's grace (and a lot of it) to even establish a desire for more of Him. And to desire Him with a whole heart takes care of spiritual maturity along the way. In so doing causing us to react differently to the sin that He cleanses us from. Man, what a prayer. What a commitment to holiness and right living, and what a great way to make your spiritual bed up. It sleeps a lot better that way! (sorry for the country-boy fram of mind!) Great stuff, Mark!!


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