An Ash Wednesday Jail Service

This morning, I felt prompted to call the jail and see if I could possibly do an Ash Wednesday service there for the inmates.

I was happy when my dear friend, Lt. Barthel, granted permission for me to come.

With guitar, Bible, and a bowl of ashes in hand, I made my way through the maze of hallways.

A half dozen of us guys gathered in the "programs room" for the very first church service in our new jail. (All but one were genuinely interested in spiritual things. The other guy just wanted to get out of the cell -- but, hey, that's about the same percentage as what I have on Sunday morning! He actually participated a little bit towards the end -- and even laughed at my jokes.)

None of them were singers -- so I had to call an audible. We just sat down together and talked about life, faith, troubles, worry and God. It was a great conversation.

"We're not supposed to have weapons in here, but I brought a sword!" I said, pulling out my Bible. One of the men asked me if I would read Psalm 23. It seemed to help them all.

They wanted me to pray for them -- and so I did --remembering their specific concerns.

I wrapped it all up by breaking out my guitar and singing a blues version of "I Feel Better, So Much Better, Since I Laid My Burden Down."

None of them joined me in the singing, but that's o.k. --they were with me in their hearts.

Then I "ashed" 'em (a sign of the cross on their hand) before the jailor led them back to the cell block.


  1. Very cool. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Being 'ashed' on Ash Wednesday can be very moving. I remember it at a Catholic School where I was teaching. The cross was put on the forehead.

  3. As I was leaving the grocery store last evening two ladies were coming in who had obviously been ashed on their foreheads - - - at first I did a double take, wondering why they would have such prominent tattoos in that location - - - then I realized - - - - - Not Tattoos, Ash Wednesday.

  4. Forehead's the normal place -- but being a "non-liturgical" type, I gave them a choice -- do you want it on the forehead or the hand?

    When we did it our church at noon, it was about half and half

  5. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Thanks for doing that, Mark. We are blessed to have a compassionate jailor.


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