Board Blessings

We had an outstanding Board Meeting last night. There was much faith and positive energy in the air.

After a time of prayer, Diane led a devotional, in which she said, "a rut is just a grave with both ends kicked out."

Her statement exploded inside me during the reading of the minutes. "Hey! Let's get out of the rut! Let's leave this room and wander through the church for a "walk-by blessing!"

There were four different groups meeting at the church in other parts of the building: the praise team, a men's support group, a women's support group, and some cooks in the kitchen, peparing food for the Valentine Banquet.

Randy was also there, cleaning up from a class he and Josh had offered for husbands -- How to cook a romantic dinner for two. I told him the women of the church would rise up and call him blessed!

We went into each room, told them how much we appreciate them, and that what they're doing is really important. Then, we laid hands on them, and prayed blessings over them.

Everybody beamed. On the way back to the meeting room, I heard someone say, "It's fun to get out of the rut."


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM


    WONDERFUL to hear what your board did last night! Thank you for showing your workers love, appreciation and respect.


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