Busy Day

Yesterday, I welcomed a newborn into this world, prayed with two ladies who are hospitalized with very serious conditions and met with a heartbroken couple who lost their home in a fire.

I also wrote a letter to a friend in prison, worked through a couple of administrative snags that needed untangling, returned a half dozen phone calls, counseled with a lady who is going through some major life transitions, wrote a newspaper column, prayed with a lady who needed some encouragement, met one on one with four of our pastors about various issues, met with and blessed a couple of members who have decided to leave the church, wrote up a synopsis of our church board meeting, and spoke at our Valentine Banquet.

In between all that, I worked my sermon.


  1. Hmmm? Don't preachers only work on Sunday?

  2. What? You must mean you did all this is THREE days!!

    Bless you for being a faithful pastor!

  3. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Busy people are happy people. You must be overflowing with joy. Thank you Mark for caring so much.

    If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.

  4. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Thank you for your shepherd's heart. I'm sure you are a blessing to the good people of Hayward. The cool thing is you are a blessing and encouragement not only to the body of Christ in Hayward, but to people all over the country. God bless you and the ministry there.


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