Six Bits from Beeson

Mark Beeson's daughter, Amber, recently shared six things she learned from her dad at her blog, Amberwire. Thanks to Church Relevance for the lead.

1. Just Keep Doing the Next Right Thing.
" I don’t have to worry about everything, I just need to focus on doing the next right thing, right now, in front of me in this very minute. Then, after that decision is made, I can move on to the next right thing."

2. Attitude is Everything.

3. Strive to Live Without Regrets.
Basically, you’re human, you’ll have some regrets, it’s inevitable…but you can strive to save yourself from regrets later if you think about consequences now, before you do whatever it was that you were thinking of doing. Ask yourself, “Will I regret this later?” .

4. Someone is always watching you, Looking to you, Modeling after you.

5. Have a Friend, Be a Friend.
If I am friendly, people will want to be my friend. If I want to have a great friend, I need to be a great friend.

6. and last, but not least, People are Idiots.
People, people, people…what can I say? People need Jesus. We all need to know that we matter to God and we’re are here for a purpose! Generally, people (including myself) are idiots, and realizing that helps me to laugh often, to love extravagantly and forgive quickly.


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