Your Sweetness

My missionary friend, Phil Nettleton, sent the following inspirational thought yesterday:

I read of a great servant of God, Dr. F. B. Meyer. When he was young he was often irritable. One day an elderly saint told him how he had gained victory over irritability in his own life. He discovered and developed the practice of the moment he felt irritation rising in his heart, he would look up and say, “Your sweetness, Lord!” Dr. Meyer adopted this practice and found it to be the antidote for his tendency to be irritable. In his preaching ministry he began to share this with many, bringing great benefit to his listeners.

He explained: Take the opposite attitude. If you are facing untruth, cry out, Your truth, Lord; unkindness-Your kindness, Lord; impatience-Your patience, Lord; selfishness-Your unselfishness, Lord; roughness-Your gentleness, Lord; discouragement-Your courage, Lord; resentment-Your sweetness, Lord.

I would recommend you try this simple plan for a month! See what results in your life and your relationship with God and others!


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