God is Color Blind

There is no color barrier with God.
He is color blind.
There are many practical problems
which still have to be wisely and understandingly worked out.

But one thing is certain,
that the color barrier and the Christian Church cannot go together.

It was the world which God so loved,
And within the Church it is the world
which is the family of God.

-- William Barclay


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    "Red and Yellow
    Black and White,
    They are precious
    In HIS sight,
    Jesus loves the
    Little children
    Of the world"

    Many generations have learned this song in Sunday School/Church. Do we just 'talk the talk' or are we willing to 'walk the walk'?

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    We all need to strive to be color blind, like God.

    Except when I buy shoes.

  3. Anonymous5:05 PM

    You may want to be careful with the word "color blind." It is loaded. While I surely believe that God loves all persons equally--regardless of their skin color, he did make us all different. We can not ignore color in the church. It is part of who we are. It is like ignoring the fact that someone is a woman or a man. We are different and to ignore this would be to neglect a persons culture and distinction. I suggest reading up on the connotation of color blind.

    -A concerned sister


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