Church Hopping

Through Scott Hodge, I discovered this blog by a couple of agnostic church hoppers and their adventures of trying a different church each week. They take pictures, scan the bulletins, and share their impressions.

What would they report if they showed up at Your Church next week?


  1. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Thanks--that's really interesting!

  2. Wow. I spent a while reading and scanning through the site. There are people in our churches that may not be professing "church hopping", but are seeking. This was eye opening and inspirational. We need to really evaluate everything we do on a regular basis. I pray that they find Jesus in their quest for "evaluation".

  3. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Big Question

    What would they report if they showed up at Your Church next week?

    Bigger Question
    What would the Lord think if he showed up at your Church next week!!

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    The Lord comes to our Church every week

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Right on, Walt! Although, my prayer is that HE shows up every week!

  6. Anonymous11:51 AM

    What I have seen in the past.

    It usually starts with the Pastor of the Church. He gets a huge burden put on his heart and spends hours praying for the Lords will to be done no matter what that is.

    I am talking about when you are sitting in Church and feel the Holy Spirit.

    You find the tears rolling down your face, and can not stop them.

    Then it is like a wave coming over the Church. People flock to the alter to ask for the Lords help in their life.

    Someone shouts, another jumps up and down and they may even run up and down the aisle of the Church.

    The whole Church is blessed to the point where the Pastor does not have time to preach.


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