The Condition of the Church in America

1. 1,400 pastors in America leave the ministry monthly.

2. Less then 20% of churches recognize or appreciate their pastor in some way annually.

3. Only 15% of churches in the United States are growing and just 2.2% of those are growing by conversion growth.

4. 10,000 churches in America disappeared in a five-year period.

5 The number of people in America that Do Not attend church has doubled in the past 15 years.


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    It is too bad that this isn't an April fools joke.

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    how sad

  3. Anonymous11:37 AM

    #1 Makes me wonder how may of these pastors were called in the first place. If the first sign of trouble, they bail out what would they do if cost them their life to preach like the deciples.

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM

    #2 I worked over 60 years and never had a Walt appreciation day from my job. I was paid well for my work and did not expect more.

    It is good to let your pastor know when he is doing a good job and to do anything in your power to make his life better.

    It is also good for the pastor if you are honest with your pastor and tell him when you do not agree with him.

    The problem come when the pastors think that they deserve and are entitled to an appreciation day for them. In the old days and even today if the church sees a pastor struggling they will jump in and help. If they see the pastor living better than them selves they will be less inclined to do so.

  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    #3 A church is either growing or dieing. Out reach to the community with love makes it grow. In reach to ourselves in the church keeps it from growing and can make it die.

  6. Anonymous11:57 AM

    #4 This sounds hard but some communities are better off when a church closes.

    When a church forgets that God and not them are in control of the church either they need to change or close.

    A church that is not minding God needs to change or close.

    A church that is doing unchristian acts needs to change or close.

    A church that remains silent while others do unchristian acts needs to change or close.

    This sort of church will do more harm than good to the community.

  7. Anonymous12:08 PM

    #5 People as a whole do believe in God and are good people.

    These people do not put their faith in a church because of what they have seen or had done to them in the past by so called Christians.

    It takes a long time to build trust and a short time to break it.

    The church needs to plant seeds by doing good to any one they can outside the church with out expecting something back.

    These seeds will grow and the trust will grow. It may take a long time to do so.

  8. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Good points Walt. However, I'm sorry you never had a Walt Appreciation Day. We'll establish one -- I hereby declare that Tomorrow is Walt Appreciation Day!

  9. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Thanks Mark

    Cards and money can be sent to Hayward Wesleyan Church?
    Just kidding!

    What I would like is to make it an annual special day for your church. Sort of what your board did with the walk through blessing only bless people in the community.

    You don’t have to call it Walt’s appreciation day.

    I will start it off. Any money you receive put in a fund. I also will pray for someone to send you $100 and would like for your church family to go out and give a $1.00 at a time to people in your community and pray with them.

    Tell them that you do not know what their need is but the Lord led you to them and wants them to know that he can help them through anything they are going through. I believe that when we give, the Lord will return to us 10 fold.

    My blessing and appreciation will be from seeing the results of this appreciation day.

  10. Anonymous3:46 PM


    About time I write you off as a cranky old geezer you show us your softer side. I now see you as a kind old man who obviously was hurt by a church at some time in his life. I for one am sorry that you were hurt and wish you good health in the future.
    I pray that you will find a way to forgive the church for what they did to you. God Bless!


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