Our Town Hayward

WEAU featured our town, Hayward, on their news broadcast recently. You can read/see it here.
Both Andi and John, the historians interviewd in this segment, attend Hayward Wesleyan Church.
My goal is to switch the slogan to, "Hayward, Hurley and Heaven!"


  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Hey Mark: I've been to Hayward. I've been to Hurley... I ain't going to the other place. Steve

  2. Hey Steve - - - "the other place" of the quote is merely a town in the northwoods of MI. You know when you tell God you "ain't going" someplace - - - He has a way of SENDING you there. ;-)

  3. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Hi Keetha: Please don't say that. It took me 40 years to get to Delaware where it is warm. Actually Audrey and I have felt a strong calling to go back home, Wisconsin, for a long time. I don't doubt that time will come. Steve


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