Vision Sunday

The church services this week were powerful. Instead of the normal (whatever that is) format, we held our annual Vision Sunday.

There are two kinds of vision: Near Sight and Far Sight. Usually, when people speak of vision in an organizational (church) setting, they are referring to Far Sight: a long look into the future. It's a matter of motivation, goals and direction. Martin Luther King captured this kind of vision with his speech, "I have a dream. . ."

Yesterday, however, we focused on Near Sight: celebrating what God has done, and what He IS doing right now. Indeed, that's vision too! Sometimes, leaders can be so caught up with "where we need to go" in the futre that they fail to see what God is doing in the present. We can't understand where we need to head tomorrow, if we don't know where we are today!

Henry Blackaby, talking of church leadership, says the key is to "find out what God is doing and then join Him." I like that!

Yesterday's worship services were divided into three parts, based on Matthew 28:19-20 (our marching orders, the Great Commission):

Bring 'Em In
Build "Em Up
Send 'Em Out.

In the Bring 'Em In Section, we showed a touching video of last year's baptism, crafted by our children's pastor, Jeremy. Last summer, we baptized 44 people.

We emphasized the Faith Candle, which we light each Sunday when somebody has come to Christ the previous week. It has been lit 51 of the past 52 weeks.

Heath, our spiritual formation pastor, invited people to come forward and light a small candle off the Faith Candle if they had personally experienced a significant spiritual breakthrough over the past twelve months. About 200 people came forward and lit candles. Many of them were wiping tears away, as they recalled God's transformational work in their own lives. Just watching this scene unfold made me cry.

One visitor approached me after the middle service, and said, "You can light that Faith Candle for me next week. I gave my heart to Jesus today." We joyfully celebrated his new life. I also prayed with a young Native American man, as he made things right with God (or better said, God made things right in him!) Another young Native American man in his mid-20's approached me, and said, "I want to be baptized this summer." He came to faith about six months ago.

In the Build Em Up Section, we heard some wonderful testimonies. Dennis, a fairly new believer, shared how his faith has grown, and the importance of reading the Bible personally, as well as connecting with others in a small group. His wife, Linda, stood beside him, and shared the story of how Dennis came to Christ, in answer to her prayers. It was moving, and a definite lifeline for other wives with husbands who "aren't there yet."

Finally, in the Send 'Em Out section, we focused on the global outreach of the church. We introduced Michael and Heather, missionaries with Mercy Ships, who shared how pennies from our Vacation Bible School offerings over the past years have paid for a dozen life changing surgeries.

I also introduced Becky and Bob, who are our Missionaries on the LCO Reservation. They serve quietly, behind the scenes, bringing God's love and grace to one person at a time. We prayed over them, and I encouraged our people to get involved and support this noble effort.

Then, in our closing prayer, we commissioned a mission team of a dozen teenagers heading out to Mexico this week (we also included people who are planning to go in upcoming months to such places as Philadelphia, New Orleans, and Guatemala.)

As I drove home, I thanked God for allowing me to be a part of such a wonderful church.

Next week, we'll focus on Far Sight. I hope it's equally inspiring.


  1. Mark - Thanks for your reminder that vision is both short and long term. I appreciate relating these events. Blessings on continued ministry!


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