Ancient Future Latin

The Pope has declared that priests should offer the old version of Mass in Latin if parishioners request it.

In light of this development, I was thinking maybe we should offer a Latin service at Hayward Wesleyan -- complete with Salsa band and Potentia Prodo (Latin for Powerpoint.)


  1. Hi I wanted to invite you to my blogsite. it is

    Liked your site. Don't agree with the pope though...I actually don't believe that he is leading his people down the right road. Anyway, enough of that. Interested? Make comments to the blog site. They are quite welcome.

    Lydia Guillot

  2. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I liked your site, but many people like to respond anonymously. I agree,

    While it is important to live in peace and to be considerate of others, I don’t think that God intended us to overlook or accept harmful behavior.

  3. Hi Mark:

    Glad you liked it. I don't care if response is anonymous as long as there is a response. I have a book called "The Reluctant Shepherd" and I would love for people to read it, from the standpoint of asking "Why?" when bad things happen to good people.

    Take care.

    Thanks for your response. Pass the word. The site is meant to encourage and support those grieving or hurting or feeling lonesome.



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