Church Hopping

1) One in four church attendees has switched churches in the past five years.
2) On average, just seven percent of new attendees are formally unchurched.

So, what does this mean?


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Church Hoppers versus Lifers

    It seems the Lifers in the church get to decide who is called a church hopper.

    If the Lifers want you to leave, in fact shun, discourage, and practically escort you out because they have deemed this is not the church for you, it is NOT church hopping.

    If you are a major financial contributor and friends with the right people in the church, you ARE a church hopper when you leave.

    The way to tell the difference is what happens when you leave. If they tell you good riddance, you are NOT a church hopper. If they sincerely want you back in the church and take proper steps to help this happen, you ARE a church hopper.

  2. Anonymous8:40 PM

    How many pastors have left their Church in the last 5 years?

  3. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I didn't marry the first person I dated is that considered spouse hopping?

    With in the first few weeks of attending a new Church it seems like they are just foaming at the mouth for you to become members. It takes a while for you to get to know a Church. If you attend just Sunday mornings at the most you will get just 52 visits per year.

    I believe you need to take sometime to get to know the Church and it's congregation. After the honeymoon is over is when you really find out what marriage is all about. I don't want to be married to a woman that is ungodly, nasty, a gossip, and doesn't help me on my spiritual walk. I would not want a Church that was the same.

  4. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I wonder how many people in that last 5 years just quit attending Church.

  5. Helpful insights here from my anonymous friends. The second stat on my post says that most churches are not growing by reaching unchurched people. Instead, if they grow, they are just getting people who have been "de-churched" from somewhere else. Of course, I believe that we should warlmy welcome everybody who comes --however, it gives me much more joy to welcome a new person who is totally unchurched.

  6. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I did not jump. I was pushed by a bunch of ungodly,nasty,gossips.

    At the time I did not have the means to travel to a new chruch if I had wanted to.

    Instead of hopping I still considered it my church that I chose not to attend at the time.

    I was praying for God to either change there hearts or close the church before it hurt many more people.

    No one seemed to care except for a few of the good people on this blog.

  7. I care about you, Walt, although I don't really know much about you except the things you have shared here. I pray for you, and ask God to help you, and give you strength. I'm glad you found my blog and have had the courage to enter into the conversations.


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